"Trees Are Essential For All"
Soon to become a permanent exhibit within the Palo Corona Discovery Center, "Trees are Essential For All" highlights the importance of trees, big and small, to wildlife of all kinds (including us). 
Anna's Hummingbirds are one of a handful of pollinators of the California Buckeye Bloom.
Anna's Hummingbirds are one of a handful of pollinators of the California Buckeye Bloom.
The Oak Moth completes its entire lifecycle on the Coast Live Oak.
The Oak Moth completes its entire lifecycle on the Coast Live Oak.
California Condors have been spotted nesting among hollowed out sections of the fire-resilient Coast Redwood.
California Condors have been spotted nesting among hollowed out sections of the fire-resilient Coast Redwood.
During their yearly migration, Monarch butterflies take refuge among the needles of the Monterey Pines.
During their yearly migration, Monarch butterflies take refuge among the needles of the Monterey Pines.
Black Cottonwood trees offer shade and nutrients to river dwellers like the Steelhead Trout.
Black Cottonwood trees offer shade and nutrients to river dwellers like the Steelhead Trout.
Tanoak acorns have been utilized for ages by indigenous people of the Central Coast Region.
Tanoak acorns have been utilized for ages by indigenous people of the Central Coast Region.
These shiny red galls found on the Arroyo Willow are host to the Apple Gall Sawfly during its larval stages.
These shiny red galls found on the Arroyo Willow are host to the Apple Gall Sawfly during its larval stages.
California Wildlife Day Photo Opportunity
Celebrating the park's theme of "We are a part of nature, not apart from it," this photo prop was created to highlight two species of concern California Red-Legged Frog Rana draytonii, and Steelhead Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus for Palo Corona's 2024 California Wildlife Day Event.

The amazing staff of Palo Corona Regional Park photographed in the Discovery Center at their California Wildlife Day event, 2024.

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